![]() Introduction![]() SABBC was formed in 2001 as a direct result of increased security procedures at all UK ports imposed by the government following the terrorism event of 9/11. Security officers were stationed within a building at the harbour gates and were manned 24/7. All vehicles entering or leaving the docks were checked and accounted for. Hence the need for ID card with photo. This security system was removed several years ago and replaced with the present signing in procedure and tallies board. A club register of all full members is compiled each year, a copy of which is sent to Imerys security personnel. In the early years of the club, management of the slipway, sluice and other berths were under joint arrangement with Imerys, with the majority of maintenance and repairs being undertaken by them. Over time, various licence agreements were set up between Imerys and SABBC, with the the present arrangement giving SABBC full responsibility of the slipway, pilots office, sluice, parking areas and outer berths. We carry out our own maintenance and repairs and have undertaken several projects to improve the existing facilities. Health and Safety has always been a high priority within the operation of the club, with club rules continually updated and strictly adhered to. Every full member is expected to undertake a Safety Induction and to use relevant PPE when within the harbour complex. The club commissions working groups to undertake maintenance and repair works, with written Risk Assessments in place. The committee will always welcome suggestions or proposals to improve upon Health and Safety both within the port and at sea. The slipway area, which is used by the majority of our members, is steeper than many public slipways and extra care is required when launching or retrieving boats. SABBC recommend the use of 4X4 vehicles for this operation. Alternatively, an anchor ring is positioned at the top of the slipway to aid retrieval. Help with launching is usually close by, especially on sunny weekends, and new members are encouraged to ask for assistance if unsure of their capability to launch or retrieve. The slipway is also prone to "greening up" during the season and is periodically cleaned with a bleaching agent by one of our working parties. Silting up of the harbour has become an increasing problem in recent years. Sluicing and dredging operations ceased many years ago and silt and sand is migrating into the harbour both from the seaward side and the many freshwater discharge points within the harbour. Safe launching and retrieval is now limited to 2.5 hours either side of low water. Tidetables are provided to all full members annually (also avaliable here) Parking of vehicles and trailers should be within the designated, marked areas, with overflow parking available at the Imerys carpark to the southern side of the harbour gates. Imerys operate a Reverse Parking policy, therefore vehicles should always be parked with this in mind. SABBC provides a unisex toilet and boat washing facility at the pilots office and is available to all members. Our neighbouring businesses, Keynvor Morlift and Fowey River Mussels (who have commercial licences with Imerys) have an agreed use of these facilities. |
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