Club Rules & Regulations

It is the responsibility of members to ensure that these rules are upheld by everyone using this facility, to ensure a safe environment for our boating. Any member in breach of club rules or bringing the club into disrepute will face possible expulsion. They will have to apply in writing to the committee to re-join the club, after a period of suspension

  • These rules may be updated during the year and it is the members’ responsibility to attend occasional club meetings to ensure they are conversant with any changes.
  • All members must obey any instructions given by or on behalf of Imery’s Minerals.
  • All persons using these facilities must be a member of SABBC and hold a Launching Member Photo Pass.
  • Friends and family of Launching Members may become Non Launching Members but do not have individual access to the Port and must be accompanied by a Launching Pass holder, who is responsible for the safety and conduct of their guests at all times. Only Launching members are permitted to launch.
  • All passes/stickers are to be carried/displayed at all times, port security, local police, and club representatives will be checking passes/stickers, if you do not have your pass/sticker you will be asked to leave the port.
  • An SABBC Health & Safety Induction must be attended before membership commences. Thereafter, a 5 year refresher induction will be held and must be attended by launching members before passes are re-issued.
  • Launching Passes and Moorings are individual and not transferable, and must not be loaned. Members are not permitted to launch a non-members boat. Misuse of passes will result in expulsion from the club.
  • All Launching members must sign in/out at the Port Office and display a “tally” in their vehicle.
  • Members must enter a contact telephone number in the signing-in book in the Signing in Shed at the top of the slipway. This will be used to confirm a members safety in cases of emergency only.
  • All members launching at Par must park their cars and trailers only in the marked designated areas, in a manner that does not obstruct Imery’s vehicles.
  • All members to keep to the speed limit 15 mph. Use of mobile phones whilst driving is prohibited.
  • A Boat Club Hi-Viz waistcoat must be worn at all times when walking anywhere within the port. Please walk to and from the slipway via the pedestrian walkways and ensure that guests remain in the designated waiting area and keep at least 2 meters from the harbour edge. Hi Viz jackets to be worn under Life Jackets but over personal floatation device.
  • Members should ensure that their vehicle is capable of launching and recovering their boat safely, or should use the supplied ring at the top of the slipway. Only the designated area of the slipway is to be used. The use of the vertical ladders in the slipway area is prohibited.
  • All members to wear a personal floatation device when afloat and within 2 meters of the Quay edge
  • No passengers to be in the vehicle or boat on the slipway when the driver is launching or recovering a boat.
  • All members must wait their turn to launch and recover boats and keep out of the way of all commercial vessels entering or leaving the port.
  • Members who have boats moored at Par are liable for any costs incurred by the Club or Imery’s in salvage or clean-up operations caused by their boats. This includes the removal of unauthorised boats.
  • Boats must be moored in accordance with guidelines specified by the Sluice Working Party.
  • Any member found damaging or removing port property will be expelled from the club.
  • No alcohol to be consumed on the docks. All members are responsible for disposal of their rubbish off site.
  • All members are to ensure that their vessel is adequately insured as the club only carries public liability insurance and is not liable for any other claims.
  • Members to inform the club immediately about changes to the information supplied on the application form.
  • Launching Members must reapply for membership annually before 30th November.
  • A Membership Joining Fee is applied to all new members.
  • Membership is not available to anyone under 18 years of age.
  • Overall boat length is currently limited to 20ft. Personal Water Craft/Jet Skis are not permitted.
  • If moorings are not used during June, July or August, moorings in the sluice will be revoked.
  • All vehicles, trailers and boats are expected to be road legal.
  • All persons whether fishing for recreational or commercial purposes must do so legally and within the Byelaws, laws & regulations set out by    MMO, CIFCA and    EA. The use of Rod or Nets, whether Drift or Fixed, must follow these Byelaws, laws & regulations. No illegal fishing will be tolerated. Failure to comply with this rule will mean that those parties involved would be immediately expelled from the Club and as a consequence would no longer be able to use the facilities at Par Docks operated by St Austell Bay Boat Club.

Updated April 2024 v3

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